Пн — Сб 8:00 — 17:00

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Painting of metal constructions

Painting of metal structures in Tajikistan quickly and efficiently

Farovon-1 LLC paints various types of metal structures. For example, painting trusses, panels, frames, reinforcing meshes in the workshops of factories and plants. We also paint masts, power transmission poles, towers, gantry cranes. Often, the painting of metal structures is ordered together with the service for the installation of metal structures, cleaning workshops, washing facades or washing windows.

Employees of our company are fluent in the technology of painting metal structures, and they understand that before direct painting, careful protection of the metal from corrosion and rust is required (especially metal structures need this).

Before painting, our specialists perform a complete cleaning of the metal surface from contamination using sandpaper, a puller or an abrasive tool, removing not only dirt and chemical deposits, but also eliminating paint swells. Further, the prepared surface is carefully primed. Primer is one of the important stages in the process of painting metal structures, on which the degree of adhesion of paint to metal depends.

The technology provides for the following types of painting of metal structures and anti-corrosion work

  • Abrasive blasting
  • Water jet cleaning
  • Degreasing
  • Padding
  • Application of paint materials

Cooperation with Farovon-1 LLC allows our clients to receive inexpensive, high-quality and affordable services for the processing and subsequent painting of surfaces of structures made of metal for various economic purposes. Extensive experience in industrial painting of metal structures, the use of modern equipment and the use of high-quality preparatory and painting materials determine the highest possible quality of anti-corrosion work, while maintaining an affordable and attractive pricing policy.

Our projects

More details about the implemented projects can be found in the section portfolio

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